Thursday, April 16, 2020

1:6 Scale Art Bowl from Recycled Plastic and Hot Glue for Barbie

First, I'd like to say that people are amazing! I fell into some DIY dollhouse tutorials on Pinterest and just had to try making an artistic Barbie bowl from recycled plastic and hot glue. I picked up the glitter glue sticks at the dollar store and have been itching to use them, this was a great project for that. The glitter helped make my bowl sparkly and fancy, and Barbie thinks it's just the perfect decorative piece.

Wa-La, one ~very loosely~ interpreted...

 Murano type art bowl😉

I used an empty plastic egg carton:

Cut the little egg cup out for the bowl: 

Carefully (hot-hot-hot) start "coloring" the inside of the bowl with hot glue.
As a point of reference, I used around two glue sticks for this one bowl,
some silver and gold (and you'll see a tad of red on the edge).
If the bowl seems to start to melt a bit just set it down and try to gently shape it from the outside, then proceed.

Once the bowl is completely covered on the inside, 
you can use the hot tip of the glue gun to melt a little and shape the top of the bowl. 
Create curves or waves to give it some abstract shape if desired.
I did add one final run of hot glue around the top of the bowl giving it a nice thick edge.
Dress from 6" square of fabric tutorial HERE.

At about minute 9:15 the lady shows how to make a vase, or in my case a bowl, using this technique.
I thank the folks at  My Froggy Stuff UTube HERE for this fun idea, I had a blast making my bowl!

Make something just for fun and have a happy day😎


  1. Fun post, I've really been playing with polymer clay. When I can peruse the stores again, I'd like to try the metal and translucent clays. Also need to do some window glass paint stuff, I wonder if that would work on the egg cartons also.
    Hugs, stay safe, Sandi

  2. You amaze me with your clever Barbie creations Lynn! I love the bowl and vase of flowers 🌷


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